Sesamoiditis: Symptoms, causes and treatments

Occurring on the bottom of the foot, just behind the big toe, Sesamoiditis may be triggered for many reasons. Let`s look at how to prevent this and if it does happen, how to treat it  
It is often said that it is hard to be a woman Going to hairdressers to look constantly well-groomed, applying makeup, wearing high-heeled shoes are things generally explained as social expectations Surely, this is true in some ways However, we know that women do not have to do self-care or choose what to wear in line with these social expectations They can wear makeup or high-heeled shoes if they want to This article is especially for women who choose to wear high-heeled shoes in their lives These ladies should not neglect the health of their feet, which carry all the weight of the body, while they look beautiful Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist Kerem Ülkü warned that wrong shoe choice and standing for long periods can cause permanent damage in sesamoid bones of the feet
We know that it is quite natural to talk about cars, motor thrust force and car parts like shock absorbers for men There are some bones that function like these shock absorbers in cars in human feet These two small bones are the size of a bean under the joint of the first metatarsal bone and are named metatarsal sesamoid It increases the pushing power of the big toe while walking
So when do we become aware of the presence of metatarsal sesamoid? Surely, when we have pain Pains occurring in accompany with a slight swelling in our feet when we stand for a long time or we walk during the pushing of our feet can be a harbinger of a problem in the metatarsal sesamoids
These pains are usually seen under the area where the first metatarsal bone makes a joint with the finger The backward movement limitation of the finger is also caused by the patients desire to move this joint less due to the pain
The pain of the sesamoid is especially observed in women because of the wrong shoe choice Along with this, standing for a long time, sudden trauma during sports activities in early ages or small repeated trauma can also cause sesamoid pains In people who physically have curved feet hollow soles, sesamoid pains are seen much often because of the lateral structure of the first metatarsal bone
The first way to protect from sesamoid problems is to choose the proper shoes High heels and pointy-toed shoes should only be preferred on special occasions and in limited periods Wearing the same shoes may also affect the foot bed of the shoes and increase the pressure on the sesamoid area
Rocker bottom shoes which are soft enough for the sole of feet and make walking efforts easier can prevent sesamoid problems Especially, people who have curved feet and have weight problems need to take these recommendations into consideration
Sesamoid pains can appear due to bone edema and broken sesamoid can be based on the reactions in the sesamoid capsule
In people who have pains related to reactions in the sesamoid area, which is called Sesamoiditis, the first three steps of treatment are to lose weight, to be sure to choose right shoes and to limit the daily standing period temporarily
Apart from all these, some silicon supports can be put into the shoes of some people In situations when reactions are severe, edema preventing medicine treatment can be started
In case of insufficient benefit from these treatments, the injections applied to the area where the pain is observed provide great suppression of the reaction
In more severe cases, open or endoscopic surgical methods can be used to remove the reaction or remove the problematic bone from the region

     Timez Doctor



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